By Gill Stewart at
We take your health and wellbeing very seriously, so when we say we are resuming group sessions we can assure you that every step (excuse the pun) has been taken to keep you safe.
These are the measures our groups are implementing across the UK:-
Risk Assessment
All routes and venues are risk assessed for specific Coronovirus markers. Our Instructors have researched the quieter venues where social distancing can be maintained and they check every path to make sure there is room to pass others safely. They look for ‘pinch points’ and how they can manage the group at all times. Many are shortening walk duration due to closed facilities such as toilets or to avoid the need to use busy public ones.
All Instructors have been advised to stay alert as to the COVID 19 risk in their particular areas and to make their judgement accordingly.
NHS track and Trace
We strongly support the NHS Track and Trace system and as we operate a comprehensive booking system (which also asks COVID 19 screening questions) we are able to immediately locate anybody who may have been in contact with somebody the tracers have asked to self isolate. We have asked Instructors to make sure clients know that if they get symptons of Coronavirus or are called by the NHS Track and Trace team, the Instructor is happy to help alert others in the group who may have been in contact. We are also advising Instructors to embrace the tracing APP once it goes live.
On all regular walks we advise clients to have their own pair of Nordic Walking poles. We provide these to our members at 10% discount and some are also vat free for those with long term medical conditions (subject to referral from a medical professional)
Whilst we do provide hire poles for tuition sessions, these are thoroughly cleaned before and after use and we do NOT share straps. Poles used for tuition are either strapless (as shown) or the client can purchase a pair of unused straps for NW style poles.
All Instructors carry wipes and hand sanitising gel and ask their clients to do the same. Where possible gates are only opened by the Instructor who will also ensure hand hygiene is maintained afterwards.
We have also made up some cheerful Face masks for those who feel more comfortable wearing them! Check them out HERE
Social Distancing
We are staying poles apart! We have worked out ways to add more visual instructions and manage both our regular groups and tuition courses with safety in mind. We can assure you that it gets easier over time and does not spoil the fun (in fact it can add to it sometimes as we try to make ourselves understood!)
What we are determined not to lose is the Camaraderie and fun element that we are famous for!
So, if you are keen to come back out with us, you can be sure we will do our utmost to make it a safe and rewarding experience. If you have been enjoying your daily walk and are looking to learn about the POWER of POLES – look up your local group here NOW