Lockdown workouts with the HQ team

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We are having a blast at HQ!

We might be working from our respective homes but that’s not stopping us from staying active and making sure we include all the elements of fitness that are essential for health. We also know that being with others and smiling are the best ways to stay motivated so why not join us for some fun …from the comfort of your home?

Denise Page had everyone smiling on Thursday morning at 11 am with a whole body circuit and she has vowed to make this a regular slot for anyone who wants to join her during lockdown. (see how below)

Martin Christie holds the fort at the same time every Monday morning and a host of guest presenters are poised to provide some informative workshops on all sorts of subjects in the coming weeks.

Why not join us for the SMOVEY WORKOUT on Friday 15th Jan for instance?

Smoveys are a unique tool that help encourage full range of movement, help maintain a brilliant Nordic walking armswing and also provide wellbeing benefits due to vibration as they move.

Sam Armstrong does several smovey classes a week and they have proved popular on line for those not able to join her outdoors during lockdown. We are delighted that she has offered to step up and do this session which you can join in without a pair of smoveys ( use other slightly weighted objects).

There’s still time to order a pair from our store and learn a new way to workout both at home and when out for walk shop for  smoveys HERE

How to book with the HQ Team

If you a regular with any of your groups you will be able to book simply via the Exercise Anywhere booking portal (and if you are a DD payer there is NO cost for the workouts during lockdown either although some of the workshops do have a nominal charge)

If you have never booked with us before – you will need to register and complete the health questionnaire but only takes a minute and you’ll be able to access thousands of walk a week once we all get back outside!

View and book the sessions HERE

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