Total Body Walx

These WALX make every step count! Total Body walking ™ is a unique mix of drills, strength exercises, the use of nordic walking poles and other innovative kit. Delivered by our fully qualified Instructors who will plan WALX that work on all aspects of fitness and make the most of being Outdoors!

Total Body Walx

Just a few examples of what might be included in your TOTAL BODY WALX – our fully trained WALX Masters will constantly add variety and progression to make sure you improve fitness, tone and keep the weight off! Be prepared to be inspired and possibly amazed at what your WALX may contain!

Total Body WALX drills

Our unique Total Body WALX drills will make sure you can work on all aspects of fitness within a walk or walking based workout class - Turn walking into a workout with elements of CV, Strength, Balance, Agility, High Impact and Flexability for all round fitness

Fitness Walking Poles

These unique strapless fitness walking poles mean you can master how to bring the upper body into walking and feel lighter on your feet without lengthy tuition! The moulded handles ensure you get into pole position and get the benefits after your first session.

Speedhyke tips

Training for a challenge or want to learn how to cover difficult terrain and mountains paths FAST!  Join us to master speedhyking - tips on how to traverse routes with and without poles but plenty of both speed and agility

WALX total body WALX class using bands

The WALX Bands

Our unique band system - Lightweight and portable, this is literally a walking gym! Your WALX Master will ensure you target all your key muscles whilst on the go. Experience a cardiovascular boost, increased fat burning and improved strength and tone.

Smove it or lose it!

Portable but potent! These amazing rings can simply be included in brisk WALX  or our skilled WALX Masters will also add exercises that will add tone and target the whole body. The rings add resistance AND vibration so you get maximum results with every step and have a whole lot of fun too.

Buggy & Baby Walx

We know how hard it is to exercise when you have little one in tow! We also know that taking them out on bracing WALX gives them a boost of fresh air and keeps them amused! Eh Voila! Our amazing BUGGY and BABY WALX will keep you both healthy in a fun sociable group.