Seville conference – Have you booked yet?

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DSCN2986The World Nordic Walking festival in Seville this September is not simply a 4 day break filled with Nordic walks in orange groves, tapas in the ancient square and mass walks around the Roman citadel…………………..its is ALL of the above PLUS the NWUK Instructor Conference 2015!!

We are so excited to be able to offer our Instructors the benefit of masterclass sessions with experts from around the World this year and we can guarantee that it will be an opportunity of a lifetime.

It’s great to see so many of you are bringing your groups with you and the mix of activities will ensure that it is entirely possible to combine socialising with your walkers and learning new skills for yourselves.

The schedule is now coming together and will include:-

  • A choice of at least 4 Nordic walks per day – including olive groves, roman ruins, talk and tapas and a host of other unique sessions.
  • Workshops for walkers and professional workshops for Instructors – including trail running, mindfulness, bungypump and advanced technique
  • Professional presentations including rehabilitation, wellbeing, education, business skills, holidays and tourism plus equipment research & development and Nordic sports.
  • Masterclass technique sessions with leading World masters including Fabio Moretti, Marko Kanteneva, Tom Rutlin and our very own Martin Christie…to name but a few
  • A marketplace with all the latest kit from a mix of manufacturers.
  • Social events including a mass tapas lunch every day and a host of opportunities to network with Nordic walkers from across the UK and the wider world – including flamenco evenings and even a visit to a gin distillery!

There are still FREE places for any instructors who bring along 10 or more clients and the organisers are happy to help with any booking requirements – including bookings for family members who may not attend the conference or special requirements for transfers and hotels.DSCN3039

We are aware of people flying from most UK airports either into Malaga ( 2 hour transfer) or direct to Seville so if you fancy coming along but don’t want to travel solo – let us know and we can put you in touch

Don’t delay – book your place today PRICES go up on the 30th June – visit SEVILLENORDICWALKINGFESTIVAL.COM

to see the programme and if you have any questions about joining in the fun, speak to one of the amazing organising team who are there to help you get the package you want.

See you there!!

PS – Even if you can’t make it – why not encourage your walkers to join in the fun? They will return more motivated and keen to Nordic walk than ever. If you would like some leaflets to help you spread the word – call us on 0333 1234 540.


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