By Gill Stewart at
41 year old mother of 3 who works part time at a local gym teaching Bodypump and Spinning.
Sally played rugby for 16 years and retired last year as she was getting mistaken as the other players MUM! A property developer who has been hit by the recession, Sally needed to generate extra income so when she saw a man Nordic walking on Morecambe promenade, she stopped him and bombarded him with numerous questions.
Within a month she was a qualified instructor but It wasnʼt until 12 months later that she decided to let go of the fear of being ridiculed and put the qualification to good use after attending the PROGRAMMES day at NWUK in order to become a NWUK delivery partner.
Sally’s words at the end of that session were CARPE DIEM and since then it’s been amazing
“I had my first free taster session on the 8th June 2011.The system of tasters and NWUK ‘Learn to’ empowerment courses have been really successful. To date I have had 91 people on tasters and 82 of those have gone on to do a NWUK ‘Learn to’ empowerment course. The ages range from early twenties to well beyond bus pass age. Visiting Weight Watchers groups has also proved very successful”
Sally offers her ‘Learn to’ in 2 x 90minute sessions which has been really well received. She charges £49 and thinks her high conversion rate (90%) is simply down to her attitude and possibly a touch of previous experience in sales and customer service.
“I make my tasters humorous and take the mickey out of myself, and some of the customers! The two biggest ʻhooksʼ are when I get them to lean on their poles at the beginning and feel their muscles tense and then right at the end of the taster when I get them to lift their poles….the look on their faces never fails to make me smile. The aspect I have enjoyed the most is how lovely all the people have been and how strangers turn up nervously on their own to a taster session and they all end up getting on really well”
Sally has earned twice as much commission on pole sales per month than she pays for the marketing and support from NWUK and her aim now is to get more people walking on her regular walks – she will be speaking to the NWUK support team to make sure she gets this right as well!