Why we do what we do

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We love featuring inspirational stories in our newsletters and as it’s the London Marathon this weekend we thought we would feature a story about somebody who is running this weekend and believes nordic walking helped him to acheive this.NWUK Instructor Charlotte Rehn sent us an e mail about Roger who at 3 years old developed Virus Encephalitis  He was in Great Ormond Street and at one stage not expected to live. After surviving the initial effects the doctors expected him to be wheel chair bound for life He lost his physical coordination..Gradually he has fought his way back and took up nordic walking.

Charlotte recalls ” When I met Roger, he was very un-coordinated. He just couldn’t get the rhythm right. It took us quite a long time but with patience and different kinds of techniques he finally got it and after that he was unstoppable. He went at such a fast pace we couldn’t keep up with him and he went from strength to strength and started running with the Wimbledon Windmilers. Now he is training for the Virgin London Marathon and raising money for a very worthy cause (Redress)

Those who know him admire his determination and the NWUK Team would like to join Charlotte in wishing him well for the marathon on Sunday


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