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Rolling on the RoadIf you love Nordic Walking and have considered using the skills and fitness it provides in order to have a go at cross country skiing….you might also fancy having a go at this!

Roller skiing is a great way to really prepare for a cross country ski holiday or to expand on your Nordic walking skills.

Massive across Europe, this fun activity is growing in the UK and we have teamed up with the amazing Lotta Sutton from Ski FIT ( to introduce our Instructors to it. The roller skis may look like long roller blades but they do not perform in the same way at all. They literally replicate the movement of cross country skis and like Nordic walking, provide a brilliant whole body workout.

rollerski conf 2014Lotta attended our recent Instructor Conference and much fun was had by Instructors as they mastered the skis and learned how to adapt their skills. It proved so popular that we have created some come and try workshops that are suitable for anybody who wants to give it a go!

NWUK Instructors who master the activity will also be going on to train as Roller Ski Instructors with Lotta so watch out for a class near you soon!


The Come and Try workshops are open to non instructors and the first one is in ILFORD on the 23rd November. Give us a call if you would like to come along or e mail – Some Instructors are bringing their groups along so it should be a fun filled day!

We also stock Roller skiing equipment in our store so click here and get rolling !





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