By Gill Stewart at
Launching in the Autumn 2019, The Community WALX Swindon project is an initiative set up by Swindon Borough Council and the Live Well Swindon team in collaboration with WASPs (Wiltshire and Swindon Sports Partnership) and funding via a Sport England bid
This initiative aims to provide low cost peer led WALX Activator pole walking in green spaces all over Swindon and is the first project in the UK under the new brand of WALX set up by the team behind Nordic Walking UK
The Exercise referral Team will deliver 12 week courses for rehabilitation and a wider network of WALX community Activators will set up community WALX at set locations where poles are provided.
The Team are able to cascade train more volunteers to help them grow the availability of low cost walks. They will be also be adding more walking fitness initiatives and participants will also be signposted on to the wider WALX network and encouraged to join the full range of WALX available via independent WALX masters who are trained to deliver safe, sociable and inspirational activities.