Nordic Walker invited to the Palace!

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Regular readers of our blog and newsletters will remember the inspirational story about retired Architect Duncan Barratt who trained as an NWUK Instructor and has never looked back! – see here

Duncan’s passion for encouraging others to be more active has continued to lead to recognition as a community champion and now even Royality have acknowledged his efforts with an invitation to the JUBILEE GARDEN PARTY on the 25th June.

Since the last posting Duncan has met the London Olympic committee for a second time, trained a host of local Scouts how to nordic walk and holds regular classes at National Trust properties Waddesdon manor & Hughenden Manor in Bucks.

He has also signed up some more local weightwatchers groups who want to include his unique style of fitness training into their regimes following the average TWO STONE weight loss experienced by his group from Garston in Herts (pictured) This group of 21 Ladies have combined their weightwatchers class with nordic walking and have lost 589lbs between them!

Duncan has participated in sports maker events for Reactivate Bucks the local sports partnership and was selected by the Fitness Industry association as a key motivator for retired people  – his profile features on the ‘After Work’ website which helps retired people cope with life after work! Visit their website

If all that is not enough, Duncan has been busy organising the Jubilee celebrations in his own Village and preparing for NHS 2012 Challenge Week-18th. June to 24th.
June where he will be doing Tatsers at various Hospitals in order to get NHS staff more active

Everyone here at NWUK HQ would like to wish Duncan all the best on the big day and we are sure all those he has inspired in the past months will be doing likewise. Well done Duncan …. you deserve it! Next challenge will be to get her Majesty to have a spin with the poles eh?



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