Risk assessment news – Tick Alert

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Tick removers

Those of you who walk in areas where there is a lot of BRACKEN and wild fauna such as deer need to be taking extra precaution at the moment as it’s TICK SEASON!!

These nasty little critters do not just attach themselves to our trusty pets, they will also bite Humans and if they do they can transmit a nasty disease called LYME DISEASE.

This can cause nasty long lasting ill health including in severe cases, Liver damage so please remember these top tick tips!

Prevention is better than cure so cover up those ankles if you walk in high risk areas

If you do find a tick on yourself or an animal – REMOVE  IT IMMEDIATELY following the guidelines below

If you have removed a tick from a Human being it is advisable that the tick is retained in a clean container and the person is checked over by a GP especially if:

– A rash develops around the bite area – this will often be in the form of a red ring
– The person feels unwell – flu like symptoms are common but there are a range of different ways it can effect people.

NOTE – The disease is easily treated by antibiotics if caught early enough and the GP is told about the tick bite.

Here’s how to remove a tick safely

  • Always try to use a proper tick removal tool (there’s one in our Instructors first aid kit) as these grip the HEAD without squashing the body – this avoids the head being left in.
  •  If you do use tweezers – do not squeeze the body, use the tweezers as close to the head as possible and clean them before hand.
  • If no tools are available – try tying cotton thread around the ticks mouth area and pull gently upwards and outwards
  • Wash your hands afterwards
  • NEVER try burning the tick or using petroleum jelly as if it is under stress it can send its stomach contents back into the person its bitten – increasing the risk of disease
  • If you save the tick it will help convince the GP you have been bitten and you could help the Heath protection agency collect vital data on them.

So, please don’t be put off going outside and enjoying our fabulous countryside….just wear appropriate clothing, be vigilant and act accordingly in the rare instance that a bite occurs!

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