By Gill Stewart at
This concept was developed to ensure that those who may struggle to keep up with others on even the most gentle nordic walks can enjoy an outdoor exercise class that combines pole walking with balance, flexibility and vital upper body strength work.
The course includes joint mobility exercises, relaxation via breathing drills and builds up gradually to improve fitness in a functional way. The strap line is:-
Instructors who deliver this concept are trained to combine gentle nordic walking with
balance drills, resistance bands, smoveys and EXERSTRIDER strapless walking poles to ensure there are no barriers to taking part and that each participant works according to their own level of mobility and fitness. There is no fear of being left behind, only a friendly exercise class that will overcome any weaker areas and build participants up towards walking more in the future.Great for use with Seniors or those who have been inactive due to poor health but NOT specific exercise referral, this course is ideally placed to help NWUK Instructors to help those who may lack confidence but want to get their bodies moving!
The NWUK Wellbeing programme is being used successfully by community projects and care homes across the UK and can be delivered with minimal equipment & cost.
Instructors who deliver the programme can be identified by the wellbeing icon
on the search page of the NWUK website*Instructors practice balance &
functional exercise
The training is ONE DAY (from 10 – 4) and a mix of parctical and theory in which they learn how to prepare sessions that cater for the health levels and needs of their clients and to incorporate the elements of fitness into functional exercises that make sense.
They also learn how to utilise EXERSTRIDER strapless poles and understand the difference in technique required.
Pre requisites are REPs level 2 Fitness Instructor and NWUK Nordic walking Instructor
COST:- £125 to include drill cards and licence to deliver the branded concept & gain access to the specific marketing materials (annual renewal fee of £69 applies)
NWUK Delivery partners get the training FREE and pay no additional licence fee.
For course dates visit the NWUK Website
* ICON only appears if the Instructor or project chooses to have an enhanced listing on the website.