NEW Essentials of teaching MSE module

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exerpoling partner group logo 2 web sizeOur Tutors have devised a new essential module for our Instructors who have gained the CYQ qualification and want to add MSE (muscle strength and endurance) exercises to their Nordic and fitness walking sessions.

On this course the Instructors will learn the basic principles of teaching MSE exercise outdoors to improve the muscular strength and muscular endurance of their clients. The Chief Medical Officer recommends that everyone should perform muscle strength exercises using all the major muscle groups on at least two occasions per week, and an effective MSE programme is a key component for effective weight loss and general health and wellbeing.

This one day course is ideal for instructors who wish to add a variety of strengthening exercises to their Nordic walking classes and will include teaching body weight exercises, exercises utilising the environment around us, such as park benches, and simple exercises using small equipment, such as Gymstick bands. Upon successful completion of the course, Instructors will have the knowledge, understanding and skills to design and deliver a simple programme of MSE exercises to individuals and small groups.

For more information call Kaye on 0845 260 9339



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