By Gill Stewart at
Nordic Walkers from across the UK will be tackling the Grasmere Gallop 10 k event in the Lake District on the 6th June. Organised by the National Trust, this fantastic event is a specific Nordic walking event and NWUK will be there – proud in purple as ever!
If you fancy joining in the fun, meeting Nordic Walkers from around the UK and tackling a stunning rugged 10 k route – enrol on the event website as part of our TEAM and we will meet you at the start with your FREE TEAM NWUK goodie bag!
All levels are welcome – it’s about taking part and having fun so enter today. You can REGISTER on line via the event website but make sure you put TEAM NWUK into the team box. (if you have already entered but not under our TEAM…..let us know now – by end of March at the latest and we will add you to the goodie bag list!)
Find out more and enter here GRASMERE GALLOP NORDIC WALK