Instructors urgently required

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log jacketWe are short of Instructors in many areas of the UK and want to encourage people who want to make a difference to come on board and train to be Nordic Walking UK Instructors.

We know it’s not easy to find money for new ventures these days but we try to help potential Instructors in every way we can like offering a PAYMENT plan to help spread costs for all those who train with us.

Our courses are suitable for people from all backgrounds, irrespective of age or fitness level – we select on personality and people skills and can train you to do the rest.

Find out why NWUK Instructors are changing the way the UK public view exercise by clicking here. Call Kaye on 0845 260 9339 or e mail for more info on our courses and support packages.

We also provide solutions for workplace & community programmes and our Instructors work with GPs, exercise referral programmes and leisure centres.

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