Become a NWUK Instructor – Join our amazing network

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IMG-20150424-00430Demand for Nordic Walking is higher than ever and we need brilliant motivating Instructors to deliver our programmes and set up groups across the UK.

If you are a people person who loves being outdoors  – we want to hear from you, whatever your age or background.

Join our growing band of Instructors who offer classes for everybody from schools to falls prevention centres. NWUK Instructors are NOT simply technique coaches, they are fitness professionals with a range of skills. We offer a full training pathway to ensure that each and every Instructor is a minimum level 2 fitness qualified and have access to the support they need in order to succeed. If you book your course before the end of November 2015 we will also give you a pair of Nordic walking poles (RRP £59.95) FREE of charge.

NWUK Instructor training is suitable for all levels and comprises of the following:-

  • An on line module for those who are not currently fitness professionals which covers:-
    • Anatomy & Physiology
    • The principles of fitness
    • Safe exercise intensity for every individual
    • Preparation of the body for activity
  • A two day practical course with our expert Tutors ( all qualified and experienced in NW delivery)
    • Nordic Walking technique and fault correction
    • Adaptation for the level of the client
    • Class organisation
    • Route planning & leadership
    • Health and Safety
  • An assessment which is externally verified to ensure standards

OUR SUPPORT STRUCTUREfreedom-card-benefits-2015

We believe that those who wish to set up as independent Instructors also need help to get started and we offer additional training, mentoring and tools to help them to succeed. These include:-

  • 4 business training modules – from marketing, sales and social media to strategies for growth.
  • Use of our branded programmes including our FREEDOM passport scheme and associated benefits for your clients
  • Personalised website plus representation on regional & national search & booking portals
  • On line booking system, inclusive of DD membership collection and customer management & communication tools
  • Regional and central mentoring and support – including I.T.
  • Marketing tool kit with all promotional & professional resources editable for personalisation
  • Opportunities to deliver on NWUK workplace & community contracts.
  • A dedicated PR team that manage regional and national magazine & press – see what we achieve here

Our intention is to help Instructors to fast track their way to building fantastic sessions and lively sociable groups without having to think through how to structure their classes, promote themselves, manage the financials and all those other complications that come as standard with self employment. Our experts have thought it all through so all you need to do is be an amazing Instructor and help us to get more people more active.


So many people can benefit from Nordic Walking and that’s why we have also developed modules and qualifications to ensure our instructors are suitably skilled to deliver programmes to children, older adults and those with medical conditions.

Our vision is simple – train and support amazing Instructors to deliver quality programmes in communities, schools, hospitals and workplaces and give them the tools, PR and skills they need to succeed.

Call us on 0333 1234 540 to chat through a personal plan for you or e mail to find out more. We offer payment plans that can include your whole plan right through to exercise referral plus any business support you need. We always try to ensure that new Instructors work closely with existing ones to enhance the Nordic walking in an area and create a motivated team approach!

Here are two testimonials that were sent to NWUK about one Instructor who qualified with us earlier this year.

“Within a few weeks of starting Nordic Walking with Ian, I noticed a huge improvement to a shoulder problem I have had for some time. The NW technique with poles has given me a workout for my shoulders without even realising it. Together with the stretches in the ‘warm up’ I have regained almost all range of movement in my ‘bad’ shoulder. More importantly, I have been able to use my shoulder without pain. What a fantastic and enjoyable way to get fit. Thanks Ian.”

“A propos of my gardening the week before last: after just over 4 weeks learning to Nordic Walk coming to you as a just retired tired unfit 76 year old, I was able to dig over my 3 veg plots and dig out my compressed compost heap for use. Thank you for the reinvigorated strength in my core, legs and arms. Sue”

If you fancy making this kind of difference to peoples lives…get in touch with us today! 0333 1234 540

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