Archive news coverage

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BBBC RADIO 4 – YOU and YOURS January 2nd 2012
A brilliant piece featuring Instructor Rhona Mead and her group from the GO Active community project in Oxfordshire. Presenter Winifred Robinson wtached the group complete their final tuition session & receive their competence cards. Great quotes and feedback from delighted participants ranging from 50 – 80 plus. All enthused about how energising and enjoyable they had found the sessions. Link: You and yours archive

BODY FIT MAGAZINE September 2010
A great feature about Nordic Walking UK Instructor Melissa Laing and how she changed her life from long days working for a city bank to spending hours outdoors, teaching fitness.

METRO Newspaper June 2010
This central spread by Felicity Cloake outlined her experience of Nordic Walking in Italy and enthused about the feel good factor. Felicity detailed the benefits of Nordic Walking and the METRO offered it’s readers the chance to try a taster session for £5.
Link: Read the full article here

Women’s Weekly May 2010

Women & Home April 2010

HEART HEALTH Magazine February March issue 2010
Recommending Nordic walking as a form of exercise for those at risk of and suffering from poor heart health. Many NWUK Instructors have additional exercise referral qualifications that mean they can safely help those who may find it difficult to get support elsewhere.

Annabel Venning explores the many benefits of Nordic Walking from the toning of bingo wings to the more serious reduction of Body Mass Index and Cardiac rehabilitation.
Link: Visit the MAIL ON SUNDAY for more info.

BBC LOOK NORTH January 2010
Featuring local NWUK Instructor Pete Woollard and the Lincs sports partnership and their launch of Nordic Walking sessions in Boston Lincs

Highlighting ways to stay looking good during the worst weather conditions for many years!
Link: Visit the EVENING STANDARD for more info.

WEIGHTWATCHERS – Your Week magazine – JANUARY 2010
A repeat of the highly successful partnership promotion that saw thousands of weightwatchers membesr taking up the challenge to try Nordic walking – see our gallery on Flckr for photos of groups who are now confirmed Nordic walkers

Featuring local NWUK Susan Braganza who encouraged people to get out and enjoy the great outdoors whatever the weather!

SWEET magazine – (Diabetes UK)
Sara Niven describes Nordic Walking and outlines why it is particularly good for those with Diabetes. She explores the equipment and teaching methods and describes a typical class with the help of NWUK Instructor David Knox. The article includes a testimonial from a Diabetic with other complications who feels Nordic Walking has given both her and her husband a new lease of life. SWEET readers were offerred the chance to try nordic Walking with a local Instructor.

WEIGHTWATCHERS – Your Week magazine – JULY 09
In this weekly bulletin that gets handed out to ALL weightwatchers members, Weightwatchers recommends Nordic Walking as a great way to speed up weight loss. The article details the benefits of Nordic walking and why it is ideal for those who are not keen exercisers. WEightwatchers members were invited to try Nordic walking for a fiver with their local NWUK Instructor and over 1,000 responded in the first week!

BBC COUNTRYFILE – Sunday 26th April 2009
Presenters Julia and Matt went out with a group of Nordic Walkers on the South Downs to explore why this activity is one of the fastest growing fitness techniques in the Country. Their Instructor Raija Kuisma taught them how the poles ensure you work the whole body, yet help to propel you along which makes it feel easier!
Wai Ming Loh, a physiotherapist and NWUK Instructor, explained the benefits of the technique whilst a first timer exclaimed that although she had her doubts to start with, she was pleasantly surprised at how effective and enjoyable it was!
For more information please visit the BBC Countryfile.

Sam Murphy tries out a Nordic Walking session with NWUK Instructor Mary Wray and is amazed by how effective it is. She also outlines where you can go for Nordic Walking holidays.

DAILY TELEGRAPH – February 2009
Jane Alexander explains why Nordic Walking is far more than just being active – she speaks to NWUK Instructors who incorporate nature into their sessions and explores the effect this has on mood and wellbeing. The inspiring article explains how Nordic Walking exercise the whole body whilst stimulating the mind and taking people to areas they would not normally venture into.
Visit The Telegraph for more info.

INDEPENDENT – Tuesday 27th January
Rob Sharp explores different types of walking with Martin Christie – NWUK Master trainer. He concludes that walking is cheap and effective but it is best when done with friends. Rob decribes his trial Nordic Walking with Martin -“I quickly felt the pull on my upper body, and the poles aided my natural walking motion.”
Visit The Independent for more info.

EVENING STANDARD – Tuesday 20th January
Jasmine Gardener outlines six COOL ways to get fit for skiing and recommends Nordic Walking for overall endurance and to reduce pressure on the knees – she lists the avarage cost of sessions and how to find a local instructor.

DAILY TELEGRAPH – Sunday 5th January 2009
Nordic Walking was featured as one of the 50 suggestions of things to try in order to boost your mood and wellbeing

David Castle took part in a cross training session with Martin Christie and the 3 page article outlines everything a runner would need to know about the poles, kit and most of all …that it is NOT only for the unfit. He concludes that Nordic Walking was ideal not just as an recuperative aid but as part of a runners training programme. He also admitted that he really ‘felt it’ the next day!

Dancers from Millenium Dance took part in a research project run by Tatiana Novaes Coelho of the Dancers’ development fund to investigate the potential benefits of Nordic Walking for Dancers. the 3 page article covers in detail how Nordic walking aids upper body function, reduces tension and improves flexibility. Overall benefits recorded during the research included participants reporting that they felt energised, fitter, stronger and healthier – praise indeed!

INDEPENDENT – February 08
Rebecca Armstrong tried Nordic Walking as part of a feature about Outdoor Exercise – she enjoyed it so much she wanted to Nordic Walk home! –
Visit The Independent for more info.

EASY LIVING Magazine – April 08
Liz Earle discusses de-toxing and mentions how she has recently taken up Nordic Walking as a way of boosting energy and metabolism.


In an article about Outdoor exercise, Gill Stewart from Sante Solutions explains why Health Clubs need to look towards offering a variety of membership options, including Nordic Walking in order to reach out those ‘turned off’ by traditional programming. Gill also points out the Health and Safety implications of training clients outside and advises Clubs and Personal Trainers to ensure they are both qualified and insured to do so.

REPs MAGAZINE – April 08
Martin Christie from Nordic Walking UK asks – Is Nordic Walking the fastest growing fitness concept? He outlines the benefits and adaptability of the technique and details in full the reasons it is ideal for Personal Trainers, Pilates Instructors and Fitness Professionals who work with the de-conditioned.

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