Our Franchisees have the opportunity to create a very unique “Walx Club” within a protected territory. The structure follows a similar pattern to that of running a Health Club, except there are no walls and the programmes are fun and inspirational. We will provide the tools and training for you to fully explore all market opportunities and create a network of WALX Masters, Coaches, and Guides to deliver our award winning concept. Our Franchisees will represent us and liaise with our important National Partners such as Forestry England, Community projects, Hospitals, Physios and major employers within their area. They will also mentor and support those delivering in the Green spaces and help make WALX accessible to as many people as possible
Exercise Anywhere has built a bespoke on-line booking, management, medical screening and activity monitoring system. This will provide a unique and innovative tool for our Franchisees whilst providing a user friendly interface for the public to book their chosen WALX. The technology will also provide the vehicle to allow flexible payment options including monthly direct debit; a tried and tested system in the fitness industry to ensure guaranteed income streams.
Franchisees will also gain local delivery contracts, corporate clients and income from retail sales and more. This is an opportunity not to be missed!
More Information
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If you are not ready to run a Franchise area why not ask us about our team training opportunities in your area. We need inspirational people to deliver our full range of WALX in every area of the UK - tell us what sort of WALX you feel you could offer us.......