Spotlight on a Franchisee – Marisa

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Meet Marisa who is about to launch her WALX group in Salisbury

We like to delve into their personalities and ask that all important question  ….why WALX?

Q.What was your career path prior to taking a WALX Franchise?

Career path prior to WALX : I wouldn’t say that I’ve ever had a clear career path, it’s been more like a bumpy ride! I’ve done just about everything from hospitality, sales, admin, seamstressing (there’s a word you don’t hear every day!), more admin, book-keeping & accounts (I can hear you yawning!) but in latter times have felt a definite pull to change tack with a desire to actually LOVE what I do! So, I found THE dream job working for 7 short months for a walking travel company with inspiring and happy work colleagues – my idea of ‘work’ heaven!

Q.What prompted you to make a change?

Then Covid-19 happened. I was made redundant. Now what? Well, I had a little voice in my head reminding me of a chance meeting with WALX at Countryfile Live last year & thought it would do no harm to pick back up on that conversation….. and the rest is history as they say! Here I am running my own business (aaggghhh!). Me? yes me!

Q.How different is it on a scale of 1 – 10 ( I being no different at all!)

So far, I’d score 10 on a scale of 1 – 10 in how different life is now! I cannot think that this will ever change. EVERY day is a school day, EVERY day brings something new, EVERY day I want to be the best that I can possibly be (& some days I really don’t succeed, that’s another learning curve!), and when I actually start to deliver WALX I just know that EVERY day I will bring a smile to at least one other person’s face and make a difference in their life. That will be my reward 🙂

Q.Name your Favourite WALK

There is no way you can pin me down to just one walk, one favourite walk – impossible! I LOVE the mountains, that feeling when you reach the top is, well, it makes you feel as if you’re on top of the world! And you are – you’re on top of YOUR world. SO many walks give me that feeling. Perhaps if I HAD to name one walk I’d say the Inca Trail & Machu Picchu because it was always ‘up there’, top of my bucket list & to do it was an unforgettable experience & an almighty challenge.

Q. What do you prefer, Tea or Gin?

Neither! Well, only Darjeeling or Mint in a proper cup & saucer 🙂

Q.How have you found your journey with WALX so far?

The WALX journey so far has been crazy! The knowledge I’ve gained, the Zoom meetings I’ve had, the hours and hours and hours of business planning I’ve done! What is most evident is that MY journey is not alone, the team are right here by my side – as is my ever supportive partner Neil.

Q.Who (celebrity or not) would you most like to join one of your WALX?

Ludovico Einaudi – google him. If I’m not walking and have some ‘me’ time I’ll be playing my piano.

Cheers Marisa – enjoy you WALX journey and rest assured…we will be with you every step of the way (once we’ve googled Ludovico)!

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